TIME Out: Aesthetic Consumers’ Questions Provide Answers for Doctors
If you need proof that cosmetic surgery is coming out of the shadows, look no further than this week’s TIME magazine, where the cover story — Nip. Tuck. Or Else. — asserts that aesthetic procedures...
View ArticleMobile-geddon or not, Healthcare Seekers Want Mobile-friendly Websites
It’s been almost three months since Google rolled out its update designed to reward websites that are user-friendly for people using their mobile devices. Since then, various analyses have suggested...
View ArticleSqueeze Play: As Screen Space Shrinks, Will Searchers Still Find your...
A funny thing happened on my way to the Internet the other day. Using my phone, I was looking for data on breast augmentations and the results I got looked a little strange (see above). Instead of...
View ArticleSmart(phone) Marketing: Quick Tips for Better Results via Mobile Email
Chalk up another victory in mobile’s ongoing march to take over the Internet. Having already overtaken desktop computers in terms of time spent online, search preferences and email open rates, it...
View ArticleInfographic Friday: Differentiate your Practice with Digital Self-scheduling
From airline tickets to restaurant reservations, we live in an era in which the DIY (Do it yourself) philosophy has gone digital. Thanks to websites like Expedia, Open Table and countless others,...
View ArticleSmart Marketing: 5 Ways to Rank Better in Search
Ever wonder how Google decides to rank one website higher than another? The SEO experts at Searchmetrics have (a lot!) and they’ve just released a new report that provides interesting insights into...
View ArticleMarketing to Men: Make the Most of Gender Differences (and Similarities)
Are you seeing a rise in the number of men interested in getting a little work done? If so, you’ve got plenty of company: In a recent survey of 400 RealSelf doctors, 73% said, yes, they’d seen an...
View ArticleLipo, Lasers, and the Pursuit of Well-being
The “new” American healthcare consumer is more in control, takes a more holistic view, is redefining aging to be ageless, and is shifting perspective from health to wellness and...
View ArticleFuture Health: 3 Trends that Are Redefining Medical Marketing
Big changes at the major social networks. Updates to search engine algorithms. The increasing importance of online reviews. These days, keeping up with the steady stream of changes that define digital...
View ArticleSocial Is the New Search: If You Want to Get Found, Get Social
When it comes to searching for information on the web, there’s no denying the power of Google. According to the data-counting website Internet Live Stats, the search giant gets more than 50,000 search...
View ArticleVideo Marketing 101: Keep It Simple, Personal, and Professional
When it comes to online video, the statistics are pretty compelling: 78% of people watch online videos every week 55% watch them every day Online video now accounts for 50% off all mobile traffic...
View ArticleWhat Patients Really Want: 5 Traits that Today’s Patients Demand from their...
Long before a potential patient walks into your practice, there’s a good chance she knows all about you: She’s looked at your bio, she’s viewed your before and after gallery, and she’s read reviews...
View ArticleVideo Marketing: Kybella Clips Click with Viewers
From beauty magazines to morning news shows, hardly a day goes by without someone touting Kybella as the miracle cure for melting away submental fat. The attendant buzz shouldn’t be surprising,...
View ArticleThe Secret to “Selling” Healthcare: It’s about Providing Solutions, not...
It’s Cyber Monday. Across the country and around the world, millions of people are online, creating a shopping frenzy that’s become one of the most important dates on many retailers’ calendars. And...
View ArticleSocial Healthcare: How Do You Stack Up?
There’s no denying the fact that social media and healthcare can make strange bedfellows. After all, the former is all about sharing — some would say oversharing — while the latter is predicated on...
View ArticleFuture Marketing: 5 Trends that Will Define 2016
Funny thing about the future: Just when you think you can put off worrying about it, bam!, it’s here. So, it is with marketing your practice. After all, 2016 will be here before you know it and, make...
View ArticleAesthetics and the Year Ahead: Tighter Chins, Smaller Breasts, and New...
You don’t need a crystal ball to see that healthcare marketing is rapidly evolving in the face of increased competition, new technology, and changing consumer behavior. But for aesthetic...
View ArticleInfographic Friday: Record Now! Video Marketing Is Going Viral
As noted a while back, 78% of people watch online videos every week and 55% watch them every day! In fact, so many people are shooting, watching, and sharing videos that the format accounted for nearly...
View ArticleSocial Media, Patient Privacy, and the High Cost of Healthcare Data Breaches
The figure is frightening: According to a recent prediction from IDC Health Insights, one out of three individuals will have their healthcare records compromised by cyberattacks in 2016. That’s a lot...
View ArticleFuture Health: 3 Trends that Are Redefining Medical Marketing
Big changes at the major social networks. Updates to search engine algorithms. The increasing importance of online reviews. These days, keeping up with the steady stream of changes that define digital...
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